[ LUGOS-ORG ] linux.com clanek

Alenka Razpet alenka.razpet at ijs.si
Tue Mar 20 13:36:41 CET 2001

Zivjo, Andraz!

Poleg popravkov, ki sta jih poslal Rok in Damir, jih jaz predlagam se

> On April 22. in a small city of Novo mesto, the eight
> Linux Festival (also called LiFe) will take place.

Mogoce sprememba vrstnega reda: The 8th Linux Festival ..will take place
in a small city... on April 22.

> This is one day event

a one-day event

> However not all participants 
all of the participants

> Also presentations about GIMP and Blender will be given.

Meni se nekako bolje slisi "presentation on GIMP...", je pa najbrz oboje

> If everything goes acording to plan, we will get some more happy... 

Zacetek stavka se mi malo neanglesko slisi... Hopefully, there will be
some more...
ali kaj podobnega, mogoce...

> Ofcourse 
Of course...

> LUGOS is also planning a large international 'computer camp' this fall,
> so you'll be hearing from us again soon!

...planning to organize...

Zgolj predlogi, upam da kaj uporabnega..

LP, Alenka

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