[Lugos-mozilla] Spletne strani za Firefox 2.0

Aleks Reinhardt aleks.reinhardt at pivot.si
Fri Sep 15 10:12:06 CEST 2006


končno je mogoče lokaliziranje spletnih strani, ki bodo privzeto odprte v 
slovenskem Firefoxu 2.0.   A obstaja kakšen prostovoljec, ki ima trenutno na 
voljo nekaj časa za te prevode?

Strani, ki jih je treba prevesti, so na voljo v datoteki zip na 

Tracking bug za slovensko lokalizacijo je

Trenutno stanje je opisano na
(in očitno je, da je samo stran about.html dejansko lokalizirana).

"A few technical notes:
-These pages should be translated using a UTF-8 editor (don't put HTML 
-Do not modify the HTML code (it may break CSS styling)
- Do not touch to the php code snippet on the 1.5 specific sub-pages 
(search, live bookmarks, tabs).
-there is an indication in the html code for the leftmenu about using 
main.lang, don't take it into account (it's used on Mozilla Europe, not 
Mozilla World)
-currently we use English screenshots, as soon as I have time, I will 
create localized screenshots (I may need help on this with arabic, 
hebrew and Asian languages).
- there is a donation button with the string "make a donation", please 
add the translation of this string on your bug report, I'll make 
localized buttons in the future."

Kakšen interesent?

Pa glede novic prek RSS-ja - jaz zdaj ne vem, če je kdo že poslal email, ali 
pa naj ga pošljem jaz?  In mimogrede, tudi na Mozilla Branding mislijo, da je 
RTVSLO najboljša izbira ...

Lep pozdrav,

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