[LUGOS] apache 2 ne deluje (že nekaj časa pa sem šele sedaj ugotovil ko sem dodal domeno)
Gregor Leskovšek
legrega at gmail.com
Wed Apr 23 10:03:14 CEST 2014
To je tail error.log:
[Wed Apr 23 08:45:05.518741 2014] [core:error] [pid 11728] (13)Permission
denied: [client] AH00035: access to /Desktop/index.php
denied (filesystem path '/var/www/Desktop/index.php') because search
permissions are missing on a component of the path
[Wed Apr 23 08:45:05.518752 2014] [core:error] [pid 11728] (13)Permission
denied: [client] AH00035: access to
/Desktop/index.xhtml denied (filesystem path
'/var/www/Desktop/index.xhtml') because search permissions are missing on a
component of the path
[Wed Apr 23 08:45:05.518763 2014] [core:error] [pid 11728] (13)Permission
denied: [client] AH00035: access to /Desktop/index.htm
denied (filesystem path '/var/www/Desktop/index.htm') because search
permissions are missing on a component of the path
[Wed Apr 23 09:57:06.217859 2014] [core:error] [pid 11784] (13)Permission
denied: [client] AH00035: access to /Desktop/index.html
denied (filesystem path '/var/www/Desktop/index.html') because search
permissions are missing on a component of the path
[Wed Apr 23 09:57:06.256826 2014] [core:error] [pid 11784] (13)Permission
denied: [client] AH00035: access to /Desktop/index.cgi
denied (filesystem path '/var/www/Desktop/index.cgi') because search
permissions are missing on a component of the path
[Wed Apr 23 09:57:06.256850 2014] [core:error] [pid 11784] (13)Permission
denied: [client] AH00035: access to
/Desktop/index.pldenied (filesystem path '/var/www/Desktop/
index.pl') because search permissions are missing on a component of the path
[Wed Apr 23 09:57:06.256862 2014] [core:error] [pid 11784] (13)Permission
denied: [client] AH00035: access to /Desktop/index.php
denied (filesystem path '/var/www/Desktop/index.php') because search
permissions are missing on a component of the path
[Wed Apr 23 09:57:06.256874 2014] [core:error] [pid 11784] (13)Permission
denied: [client] AH00035: access to /Desktop/index.xhtml
denied (filesystem path '/var/www/Desktop/index.xhtml') because search
permissions are missing on a component of the path
[Wed Apr 23 09:57:06.256885 2014] [core:error] [pid 11784] (13)Permission
denied: [client] AH00035: access to /Desktop/index.htm
denied (filesystem path '/var/www/Desktop/index.htm') because search
permissions are missing on a component of the path
[Wed Apr 23 10:00:47.207448 2014] [:error] [pid 11784] [client] script '/var/www/home2/zatocisce-miru/stripi.php' not
found or unable to stat
To je tail error.log.1:
[Sun Apr 20 07:33:43.891983 2014] [:error] [pid 2829] [client] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file
in /var/www/Grafomanija/test5.php on line 16
[Sun Apr 20 07:36:59.044438 2014] [:error] [pid 2827] [client] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file
in /var/www/Grafomanija/test4.php on line 15
[Sun Apr 20 07:40:46.417951 2014] [:error] [pid 7572] [client] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '%' in
/var/www/Grafomanija/test2.php on line 13
[Sun Apr 20 07:44:33.858481 2014] [:error] [pid 2827] [client] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'preg_match'
(T_STRING), expecting '(' in /var/www/Grafomanija/regexpow.php on line 10
[Sun Apr 20 07:48:54.814289 2014] [:error] [pid 7569] [client] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'preg_match'
(T_STRING), expecting '(' in /var/www/Grafomanija/myregexpow.php on line 10
[Sun Apr 20 07:52:08.530335 2014] [:error] [pid 7572] [client] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '=' in
/var/www/Gm2f/gm0.php on line 15
[Sun Apr 20 07:55:55.911047 2014] [:error] [pid 2827] [client] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file
in /var/www/Gm2f/test4.php on line 15
[Sun Apr 20 07:59:43.271135 2014] [:error] [pid 7570] [client] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'preg_match'
(T_STRING), expecting '(' in /var/www/Gm2f/regexpow.php on line 10
[Sun Apr 20 07:59:59.384370 2014] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 2820] AH00171:
Graceful restart requested, doing restart
AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified
domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to
suppress this message
♥♥♥ When the sun rises I receive and when it sets I forgive! ♥♥♥
http://gleskove.userworld.com/ ♥ Always, Gregor Leskovšek
2014-04-23 9:15 GMT+02:00 Gregor Leskovšek <legrega na gmail.com>:
> Prilagam error.log....
> Gregor
> ♥♥♥ When the sun rises I receive and when it sets I forgive! ♥♥♥
> http://gleskove.userworld.com/ ♥ Always, Gregor Leskovšek
> Dne 23. april 2014 08:16 je Stojan Rancic <stojan na aufbix.org> napisal/-a:
> On 23.4.2014 1:55, Gregor Leskovšek wrote:
>> > sem nadgradil na Kubuntu 14.04
>> > skopiral v mapo var/www/html
>> > iz var/www/
>> > moj ip je:
>> > ampak apache sploh ne redirekta v to mapo - javi mi napake, ki se jih
>> > odpravil dela pa ne?
>> > Prosim za pomoč, lep pozdrav, Gregor
>> > Prilagam /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/sites-available/000-default.conf
>> Bolj bi pomagalo, če bi pripel vsebino /var/log/apache2/error.log oz.
>> zadnjih par vrstic iz tam..
>> lp, Stojan
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