[LUGOS] Težave s postfixom

Jernej Horvat j+lugos at aufbix.org
Wed May 27 10:02:06 CEST 2009

jest at softraja.com said the following on 26.5.2009 22:51:
> Jaz imam v postfix-u še tele vrstice v main.cf

to in se vec na http://tnt.aufbix.org/postfix/optimized-configuration

ABKO @ http://tnt.aufbix.org/spam

PS: atomsko-biološka-kemična-obramba (/Abko) ;)


A: It's against natural order of reading.
Q: Why is that?
A: People answering above quoted text.
Q: What's the most annoying on e-mails?

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