[LUGOS] Linux

Iztok Štotl iztok.stotl at guest.arnes.si
Thu Jan 8 17:50:27 CET 2009

>In omembo svetlega zgleda vietnamske vlade? :)

Pa da en bodo mislili, da se s tem ukvarja samo tretji svet:


"The final step involves replacing the current operating system with the
city's Debian-based variety of GNU/Linux. There are currently 1.200
workplaces running this “basic client”, or almost 10%. Rather than
aiming to migrate every single computer in the administration to free
software, Schießl says that the goal is “80% + X by 2012”. The
remaining computers are currently running Windows NT 4 or Windows 2000."

Gre za javno upravo enega bogatejših področij Nemčije.


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