[LUGOS] Merjenje kolicine prenesenih podatkov

Bostjan Janezic bostjan at japet.si
Fri Aug 3 23:55:12 CEST 2007

Jaka Jančar je rekel(la):
> Zivjo,
> kako lahko cim preprosteje zmerim kolicino prenesenih podatkov na nekem
> interfaceu?
Debian ponuja vsaj tole:
argus-client - IP network transaction auditing tool
argus-server - IP network transaction auditing tool
darkstat - a network traffic analyzer
driftnet - Picks out and displays images from network traffic
dsniff - Various tools to sniff network traffic for cleartext insecurities
etherape - graphical network monitor modeled after etherman
ethereal - network traffic analyzer
ethereal-common - network traffic analyser (common files)
ethereal-dev - network traffic analyser (development tools)
ifmetric - Set routing metrics for a network interface
jffnms - web-based Network Management System (NMS) for IP networks
jnettop - View hosts/ports taking up the most network traffic
ngrep - grep for network traffic
nload - A realtime console network usage monitor
slurm - Realtime network interface monitor
ssldump - An SSLv3/TLS network protocol analyzer
tcpdump - A powerful tool for network monitoring and data acquisition
tethereal - network traffic analyzer (console)
vnstat - Console-based network traffic monitor
wmifs - WindowMaker dock app for monitoring network traffic
wmnd - Dockapp monitoring network interfaces
wmnd-snmp - Dockapp monitoring network interfaces

Izbira je seveda tvoja. :)
lp, Bostjan

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