[LUGOS] ldap

Gregor Jerše Gregor.Jerse at predoslje.com
Wed Jun 15 19:15:36 CEST 2005

On Wednesday 15 of June 2005 13:11, Matej Podgorsek wrote:
> Pozdravljeni!
> Zanima me, ce kdo mogoce ve, zakaj mi php ne izpise userPassword pri
> zaganjanju naslednje skripte. Sicer mi izpise ostale vrednosti. Ce pogledam
> uporabnika  npr. z Ldap Administrator 3.1 mi izpise userPassword. Kot vse
> kaze geslo ni inkriptirano.

Si poskusil z 

echo $info[1]["userpassword"][0] . "<br>";  <<---- 

"userpassword" namesto "userPassword"?

PHP dokumentacija namreč pravi, da 

The attribute index is converted to lowercase. (Attributes are 
case-insensitive for directory servers, but not when used as array indices.)

Lep pozdrav
Gregor Jerše

God help the troubadour who tries to be a star.  The more that you try
to find success, the more that you will fail.
		-- Phil Ochs, on the Second System Effect

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