[LUGOS] problemi z diskom

Rok Potocnik r at rula.net
Tue Feb 1 01:48:13 CET 2005

vceraj sem za foro testiral disk z hdparm-om
Timing buffer-cache reads:   2108 MB in 2.00 seconds = 1053.63 MB/sec
Timing buffered disk reads: read(2097152) returned 524288 bytes

syslog pa javlja sledece...
Jan 31 02:15:51 router kernel: Buffer I/O error on device hda, logical block
Jan 31 02:15:51 router kernel: hda: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady
SeekComplete Error }
Jan 31 02:15:52 router kernel: hda: dma_intr: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError },
LBAsect=66696, high=0, low=66696, sector=66584
Jan 31 02:15:52 router kernel: ide: failed opcode was: unknown
Jan 31 02:15:52 router kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev hda, sector 66584
Jan 31 02:15:52 router kernel: Buffer I/O error on device hda, logical block
Jan 31 02:15:52 router kernel: hda: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady
SeekComplete Error }
Jan 31 02:15:52 router kernel: hda: dma_intr: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError },
LBAsect=66696, high=0, low=66696, sector=66592
Jan 31 02:15:52 router kernel: ide: failed opcode was: unknown
Jan 31 02:15:52 router kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev hda, sector 66592
Jan 31 02:15:52 router kernel: Buffer I/O error on device hda, logical block
Jan 31 02:15:52 router kernel: hda: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady
SeekComplete Error }
Jan 31 02:15:52 router kernel: hda: dma_intr: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError },
LBAsect=66696, high=0, low=66696, sector=66600
Jan 31 02:15:52 router kernel: ide: failed opcode was: unknown
Jan 31 02:15:52 router kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev hda, sector 66600

ceprav je disk star cca dober mesec sem pomislil, pac dobis slabo serijo, gremo
uveljavljat garancijo... ker mam drugac uobce malo placa sem si sposodu v
trgovini en tak disk (prej je biu ExcelStor Technology J880, zdaj pa je hitachi
deskstar). oba masta isto velikost, CHS in ostalo, sam firma je druga, tak da je
blo kopiranje simpl...
sm pa za foro po koncanem kopiranju izvedu hdparm se na novem disku... isti
problem, isti errorji v syslogu... in tu se mi ustavi
ne vem, zakaj!
prav tako sem na eni drugi masini probal en fini programcic ki slisi na ime
spinrite, pa ma on neke preglavice z branjem oz javlja neke napake.
ce zbootam slack 10 rescue disk (cd2) (kernel 2.4.26) mi njegov hdparm tudi
javlja probleme.

torej se ostali podatki, ki bi morda pomagali. server je na eni canyon plati ki
ima ich5 southbridge, na masini laufa slack 10 z kernelom 2.6.10-grsec, prav
tako sem probal z 2.4.28-grsec in 2.4.26 (bare.i)
testna masina s kero sm probal s spinriteom disk je abitova plata z ich6r
southbridgeom, sem pa probal tud slack 10 rescue disk, seveda javi isto napako.
kabli v obeh masinah so 80-zilni (ata133), prakticno novi. no, tole so pa se
parametri hdparma oz. diska, ter kar pride ven po smartctl -t long ... smartctl
-l error /dev/hda

upam da nisem nicesar pozabil...

p.s. ce bo kdo odgovarjal naj ne citira prevec, ze itak bom js listo prevec
nasmetil ;)

# hdparm -v /dev/hda

 multcount    =  8 (on)
 IO_support   =  1 (32-bit)
 unmaskirq    =  1 (on)
 using_dma    =  1 (on)
 keepsettings =  0 (off)
 readonly     =  0 (off)
 readahead    = 256 (on)
 geometry     = 16383/255/63, sectors = 160836480, start = 0

# smartctl -l error /dev/hda
smartctl version 5.30 Copyright (C) 2002-4 Bruce Allen
Home page is http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/

SMART Error Log Version: 1
ATA Error Count: 34 (device log contains only the most recent five errors)
        CR = Command Register [HEX]
        FR = Features Register [HEX]
        SC = Sector Count Register [HEX]
        SN = Sector Number Register [HEX]
        CL = Cylinder Low Register [HEX]
        CH = Cylinder High Register [HEX]
        DH = Device/Head Register [HEX]
        DC = Device Command Register [HEX]
        ER = Error register [HEX]
        ST = Status register [HEX]
Timestamp = decimal seconds since the previous disk power-on.
Note: timestamp "wraps" after 2^32 msec = 49.710 days.

Error 34 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 2 hours
  When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or

  After command completion occurred, registers were:
  -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  40 51 80 80 88 00 e0  Error: UNC 128 sectors at LBA = 0x00008880 = 34944

  Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
  CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC   Timestamp  Command/Feature_Name
  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --   ---------  --------------------
  25 00 80 80 88 00 e0 00     535.300  READ DMA EXT
  25 00 88 78 88 00 e0 00     531.600  READ DMA EXT
  25 00 90 70 88 00 e0 00     528.000  READ DMA EXT
  25 00 98 68 88 00 e0 00     524.200  READ DMA EXT
  25 00 a0 60 88 00 e0 00     520.400  READ DMA EXT

Error 33 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 2 hours
  When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or

  After command completion occurred, registers were:
  -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  40 51 80 80 88 00 e0  Error: UNC 128 sectors at LBA = 0x00008880 = 34944

  Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
  CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC   Timestamp  Command/Feature_Name
  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --   ---------  --------------------
  25 00 88 78 88 00 e0 00     531.600  READ DMA EXT
  25 00 90 70 88 00 e0 00     528.000  READ DMA EXT
  25 00 98 68 88 00 e0 00     524.200  READ DMA EXT
  25 00 a0 60 88 00 e0 00     520.400  READ DMA EXT
  25 00 a8 58 88 00 e0 00     516.800  READ DMA EXT

Error 32 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 2 hours
  When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or

  After command completion occurred, registers were:
  -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  40 51 80 80 88 00 e0  Error: UNC 128 sectors at LBA = 0x00008880 = 34944

  Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
  CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC   Timestamp  Command/Feature_Name
  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --   ---------  --------------------
  25 00 90 70 88 00 e0 00     528.000  READ DMA EXT
  25 00 98 68 88 00 e0 00     524.200  READ DMA EXT
  25 00 a0 60 88 00 e0 00     520.400  READ DMA EXT
  25 00 a8 58 88 00 e0 00     516.800  READ DMA EXT
  25 00 b0 50 88 00 e0 00     513.000  READ DMA EXT

Error 31 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 2 hours
  When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or

  After command completion occurred, registers were:
  -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  40 51 80 80 88 00 e0  Error: UNC 128 sectors at LBA = 0x00008880 = 34944

  Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
  CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC   Timestamp  Command/Feature_Name
  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --   ---------  --------------------
  25 00 98 68 88 00 e0 00     524.200  READ DMA EXT
  25 00 a0 60 88 00 e0 00     520.400  READ DMA EXT
  25 00 a8 58 88 00 e0 00     516.800  READ DMA EXT
  25 00 b0 50 88 00 e0 00     513.000  READ DMA EXT
  25 00 b8 48 88 00 e0 00     509.300  READ DMA EXT

Error 30 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 2 hours
  When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or

  After command completion occurred, registers were:
  -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  40 51 80 80 88 00 e0  Error: UNC 128 sectors at LBA = 0x00008880 = 34944

  Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
  CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC   Timestamp  Command/Feature_Name
  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --   ---------  --------------------
  25 00 a0 60 88 00 e0 00     520.400  READ DMA EXT
  25 00 a8 58 88 00 e0 00     516.800  READ DMA EXT
  25 00 b0 50 88 00 e0 00     513.000  READ DMA EXT
  25 00 b8 48 88 00 e0 00     509.300  READ DMA EXT
  25 00 c0 40 88 00 e0 00     505.600  READ DMA EXT

lp, rok.

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