Tabela zamenjav za OOo
Joze Klepec
joze.klepec at
Sat Oct 9 14:05:48 CEST 2004
Navedeni seznam pisav je narejen in odposlan v upanju, da bo komu
koristen brez vsake garancije. Če tega poslanstva ne izpolnjuje, naj to
vsak pripiše sebi in pošlje popravke na Lugos.
1. Če ne veste kaj bi, pustite Interface User.
2. Če imate idejo, potem:
- Helvetica, Gothic in Courier so sorodne pisave ( do neke mere), prav
tako Times in Courier,
- pisave z oznako sans so tiste brez "repkov" - sem spadajo npr. Tahoma,
Arial, Sans Serif
- bold, condensed, italic, black, narrow, impact so atributi drugih
(uveljavljenih) pisav,
- poglejte print preview in ekran,
- potem menjajte seznam.
Arial = Bitstream Vera Sans
Arial Black = Bitstream Vera Sans
Arial Narrow = Nimbus Sans Condensed
Arial Unicode MS = Bitstream Vera Sans
Book Antiqua = Helvetica
Century Gothic = Gothic
Comic Sans MS = Luxi Sans
Courier New = Courier
Garamond = Bookman
Georgia = Bookman L
Helvetica Narrow = Helvetica
Impact = Lucidabright
Lucida Console = Lucidatypewriter
Lucida Sans Unicode = Lucida
Marlett = Luxi Serif
Microsoft Sans Serif = Bitstream Vera Sans
Monotype Corsiva = Luxi Mono
MT Extra = Nimbus Sans Condensed
Palatino Linotype = Newspaper
Plantin OUP Bilingual = Interface User
Random House Extended = Interface User
Random House Extended 2 = Interface User
Tahoma = Nimbus Sans L
Times New Roman = Nimbus No9 L
Times New Roman Phonetics = Nimbus No9 L
Trebuchet MS = Luxi Sans
Verdana = Luxi Sans
Webdings = Standard Symbols
Wingdings = Standard Symbols L
Wingdings = Interface User
Wingdings = Interface User
ZapfDingBats = Dingbats
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