Odgovori: Re: [LUGOS] Irski predlog sprejet

Gregor Pirnaver gregor.pirnaver at email.si
Thu May 20 09:21:24 CEST 2004

On četrtek 20. maja 2004 08:28, Ales Kosir wrote:
> Kako bomo predstavili informacije na zaslonu, recimo 
> razporedili okna, je po mojem skromnem mnenju povsem 
> nepatentibilno.

In ravno to:
"whereby the technical features must predominate. The use of 
natural forces to control physical effects beyond the 
digital representation of information belongs to a 
technical field. The mere processing, handling, and 
presentation of information do not belong to a technical 
field, even where technical devices are employed for such 

so Nemci odstranili iz njihovega amandmaja in naši tiho 
potrdili. :(

Uporabnik Mandrake Linuxa

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