[LUGOS] Irski predlog sprejet
Iztok Stotl
iztok.stotl at guest.arnes.si
Wed May 19 16:09:12 CEST 2004
On Wed, 2004-05-19 at 15:48, Dusan Kozic wrote:
> On Wed, 19 May 2004, Iztok Stotl wrote:
> >
> > p.s. Je to sedaj dokoncno ... na strani FFII pise, da je sedaj treba
> > lobirati parlament ....
> Ceprav ima Ministrski svet v EU najvecji vpliv, nima moci, da bi sprejemal
> zakone brez soglasja evropskega parlamenta. "Stari" parlament je samo
> direktivo ze enkrat zavrnil. Ampak zdaj so tu nove clanice in nove volitve
> v evropski parlament in sestava le-tega se lahko spremeni.
Zanimiv je tale prispevek :
"The Directive will now be sent back to the European Parliament for
another vote there in the autumn as the different bodies of the EU
engage in a game of legislative ping-pong. While observers expect
vociferous lobbying from open-source and developer groups, reversing the
Council's vote will be difficult, according to James Heald of the
Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII), a
not-for-profit organisation that promotes the rights of technology
entrepreneurs and developers.
"The catch is that if the Parliament still doesn't like software
patents, it has to have a majority of all MEPs to put its amendments,
which means that in practice they need a two-to-one or three-to-one
majority in the chamber," said Heald.
If the Parliament is successful in that vote, then it will go back to
the Council for a second reading, and then if the Council still
disagrees then it will go to a 'sudden death' reconciliation committee,
which will have six weeks to settle the matter."
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