[LUGOS] Irski predlog sprejet

Jure Cuhalev gandalf at owca.info
Wed May 19 00:17:12 CEST 2004

V tor, 18.05.2004 ob 22:43 je Andraz Tori napisal(a):

> Upam, da je bila Slovenija vsaj med tistimi zadržanimi. No, smo pa vsaj 
> izvedeli, da imamo razsvetljeno, a glede tega nemočno ministrstvo za
> informacijsko družbo.

Ni bila. Glasovala je ZA patente.

(http://ue.eu.int/ueDocs/cms_Data/docs/pressData/en/intm/80522.pdf -
str. 16)

The Council reached political agreement by qualified majority with the
Austrian, Italian and Belgian delegations abstaining and Spain voting
against, on a common position concerning the proposal for a Directive on
the patentability of computer-implemented inventions.

Se imena kdo nas je zastopal:

Ms Renata VITEZ  - State Secretary for Foreign Economic Relations 
Mr Zoran STANCIC - State Secretary for Science 
Mr Matjaz LOGAR  - State Secretary for the Domestic Market


Jure Cuhalev
gandalf at owca.info

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