[Fwd: [Si-parl] Ljubljana conference and swpat directive decisions]

Andraz Tori Andraz.tori1 at guest.arnes.si
Sun Apr 25 01:30:42 CEST 2004

Evo... update kaj se dogaja

-----Posredovano sporočilo-----
From: Hartmut Pilch <phm at a2e.de>
To: si-parl at ffii.org
Subject: [Si-parl] Ljubljana conference and swpat directive decisions
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2004 01:15:46 +0200

Hello everybody,

You can find Sylvain's report about the conference at


Congratulations. It seems to have been a great success and I hope it can
serve as a basis for further activity in Slovenia.

Time is running out: the Council is moving to nodding off unlimited
patentability according to the wishes of its patent officials in May, and
the Parliament is the likely center of resistance.  This will however go 
through only if we fail to politicise the theme sufficiently beforehand.
In the current situation probably an objection from Eastern countries 
would be enough to get a delay, and governments in the western countries 
are quite split and unhappy as well.   As soon as they feel the subject is 
not merely a technical matter they may no longer nod off what is presented 
to them.

Turning information infrastructure policy into an election theme is not
without hope.  Some things to do are listed on


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