[LUGOS] VirtuaPC, ironija

Toni Tomanic toni at email.si
Sun Oct 26 07:23:01 CET 2003

Sem beta tester tega Virtual PC (Virtual server) in moram reči, da Linux
dela pod njim čisto dobro. Pravzaprav ni omejitev glede Guest OS. 
Še en citat s foruma:

Theoretically speaking any x86 based OS should run inside of it. As most
everything uses very Generic Drivers.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andraz Tori [mailto:Andraz.tori1 at guest.arnes.si]
> Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2003 7:12 PM
> To: lugos-list at lugos.si
> Subject: [LUGOS] VirtuaPC, ironija
> Ironija.
> Če se prav spomnim se je Saša Divjak, dekan Fakultete za rač. in
> informatiko na Linux konferenci pohvalil kako lahko zahvaljujoč
> VirtualPC, ki je zdaj MSjev produkt, poganja Linux v Oknih... mogoče me
> spomin vara, ampak mislim, da je stvar speljal ravno na temo
> interoperabilnosti med MS in Linuxom in na to kako je treba živet drug z
> drugim...
> Ne več.
> Iz Slashdota:
> Psykechan writes "MSFN has got themselves a beta of the new MS Virtual
> PC 2004 which should be out at the end of this year. Most notable in
> their 'fixes' is the removal of Linux, BSD, Netware, and Solaris from
> the supported OS list. They may still work, they just aren't supported.
> We all thought that this would happen after MS bought Connectix but this
> just makes it official."
> http://slashdot.org/articles/03/10/25/154250.shtml?tid=109&tid=187
> Zdaj mora MS samo še VMware kupit...
> Lep pozdrav
> Andraž Tori

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