VirtuaPC, ironija
Andraz Tori
Andraz.tori1 at
Sat Oct 25 19:11:36 CEST 2003
Če se prav spomnim se je Saša Divjak, dekan Fakultete za rač. in
informatiko na Linux konferenci pohvalil kako lahko zahvaljujoč
VirtualPC, ki je zdaj MSjev produkt, poganja Linux v Oknih... mogoče me
spomin vara, ampak mislim, da je stvar speljal ravno na temo
interoperabilnosti med MS in Linuxom in na to kako je treba živet drug z
Ne več.
Iz Slashdota:
Psykechan writes "MSFN has got themselves a beta of the new MS Virtual
PC 2004 which should be out at the end of this year. Most notable in
their 'fixes' is the removal of Linux, BSD, Netware, and Solaris from
the supported OS list. They may still work, they just aren't supported.
We all thought that this would happen after MS bought Connectix but this
just makes it official."
Zdaj mora MS samo še VMware kupit...
Lep pozdrav
Andraž Tori
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