[LUGOS] cpu speed

Jure Cuhalev gandalf at owca.info
Tue Nov 11 06:18:06 CET 2003

Na 1068503464, 2003-11-10 ob 23:31, je Martin napisal(a):
> Pozdrav,
> imam 
> model name      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 Mobile CPU 1.80GHz
> na notebooku running 2.4 series kernel.
> Mi kdo lahko posreduje kak hint oz. ce se sploh da softwersko men delovanjem 
> zmanjsati hitrost procesorja z namenom prodobiti na casu delovanja posledicno 
> skozi zmanjsanje porabe elektricne energije.
> Hvala za inf. in L.P.
> M.

Jedro 2.6.0-test9 pozna: 


Clock scaling allows you to change the clock speed of CPUs on the
fly. This is a nice method to save battery power on notebooks,
because the lower the clock speed, the less power the CPU consumes.

For more information, take a look at linux/Documentation/cpu-freq or
at <http://www.codemonkey.org.uk/projects/cpufreq/>


Jure Cuhalev
gandalf at owca.info

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