[LUGOS] SuSE 8.2 in ADSL

Miha Abrahamsberg baki1980 at siol.net
Fri May 16 14:19:29 CEST 2003


 zdej prilagam še log ob neuspelem poizkusu connect-a.

 drugače imam Realtek-ovo mrežno kartico (RTL8100BL) integrirano na Gigabyte
 plati in na google-u sem našel, da je veliko problemov s temi mrežnimi na
 linuxu, kako najenostavneje preverim (npr. kak ukaz v bash), če mi sploh mrežna
 dela tako kot bi morala, ker na susetovi domači strani pod hardware support za
 to mrežno piše "unknown support"!?

lp, miha

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Borut" <joulf at siol.net>
> To: <baki1980 at siol.net>
> Sent: Monday, May 12, 2003 9:03 PM
> Subject: RE: [LUGOS] SuSE 8.2 in ADSL
> Sem instaliral Suseja, skonfiguriral ADSL s pppoe jem pa mi je adsl
> delal
> Sem nastavil IP pri kartici
> Subnet mask
> in gateway
> Ne pa DHCP!
> Isto je v WIN XP!
> Pa mi je zadeva špilala. Moral pa sem restartat zadevo!
> Pri rebootu mi je šel ADSL lepo skozi!
> Borut
> Če pa ne bo šlo pa me pokliči na 031-318-366 ob kaki razumni uri od
> 10.00 do 15.00 pa grema skozi ali pa se malo pomeniva!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Abrahamsberg Miha [mailto:baki1980 at siol.net]
> Sent: Monday, May 12, 2003 2:19 PM
> To: lugos-list at lugos.si
> Subject: Re: [LUGOS] SuSE 8.2 in ADSL
> živjo,
> najprej se opravičujem, da že spet težim s tem, ampak da se j***m mi ne
> dela!
> a ima kdo na tej mail listi suse 8.2 prof in mu dela ADSL, ker meni še
> vedno ne
> uspe se povezat - poizkusil sem klasično (s wizardom v YAST), s pppoed
> in
> roaring penguin pppoe in z nebenih od teh orodij mi ne uspe. Bolj ali
> manj se
> ustavi pri "waiting for PADO packets"?! Na googlu sem našel veliko
> strani
> (forumi) z enakim problemom (waiting for PADO), vendar je bilo rešitev
> bolj
> malo, kjer pa so bile, pa so v nemščini (ki mi ni baš jača stran).
> hvala za morebitno pomoč/idejo
> lp, miha
> > > > Zdravo.
> > > >
> > > > > Včeraj sem si naložil SuSE 8.2 in mi nikakor ne uspe povezati se
> na
> > > pred
> > > > > tem sem imel Mandrake 9.0 in tam nisem imel z ADSL nobenih
> težav. A je
> > > imel/ima
> > > > > kdo od vas podobne težave? Kakšen nasvet?
> > > >
> > > > A lahko poves vsaj kje se ti ustavi, kaj pise v logih
> > > > (/var/log/messages, /var/log/syslog)?
> > > >
> > >
> > > Živjo,
> > >
> > > log "kinternet-a" izgleda takole:
> > >
> > > SuSE Meta pppd (smpppd-ifcfg), Version 1.00 on linux.
> > > We are disconnected.
> > > trying to connect to smpppd
> > > connect to smpppd
> > > We are disconnected.
> > > Interface is eth0.
> > > We are connecting.
> > > pppd: Plugin pppoe.so loaded.
> > > pppd: PPPoE Plugin Initialized
> > > pppd: Plugin passwordfd.so loaded.
> > > pppd: Sending PADI
> > > Waiting for PADO.
> > > Please check your setup and try again.
> > > We are disconnecting.
> > > pppd: Terminating on signal 15.
> > > We are disconnecting.
> > > We are disconnected.
> > > pppd died: non-normal exit
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
-------------- next part --------------
May 15 23:40:06 linux kdm[1795]: pam_unix2: session started for user miha, service xdm
May 15 23:40:06 linux resmgr[978]: accepted connection from user root
May 15 23:40:06 linux resmgr[978]: disconnect from root
May 15 23:40:08 linux kernel: NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
May 15 23:40:08 linux kernel: eth0: Tx queue start entry 4  dirty entry 0.
May 15 23:40:08 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 0 is 00002000. (queue head)
May 15 23:40:08 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 1 is 00002000.
May 15 23:40:08 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 2 is 00002000.
May 15 23:40:08 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 3 is 00002000.
May 15 23:40:08 linux kernel: eth0: Setting 100mbps half-duplex based on auto-negotiated partner ability 40a1.
May 15 23:40:29 linux pppd[792]: HOST_UNIQ successful match
May 15 23:40:29 linux pppd[792]: HOST_UNIQ successful match
May 15 23:40:29 linux pppd[792]: Unexpected packet: Ether addr: 00:09:b7:3e:bc:37  (PPPOE Discovery)  PPPoE hdr: ver=0x1 type=0x1 code=0x07 sid=0x0000 length=0x002a (PADO)  PPPoE tag: type=0101 length=0000 (Service name) PPPoE tag: type=0103 length=0004 (Host Uniq) data (bin):  50 a8 08 08 PPPoE tag: type=0102 length=0006 (AC Name) data (UTF-8): BSN-45 PPPoE tag: type=0104 length=0010 (AC Cookie) data (bin):  0f 1c 83 ab cb 95 69 7d 45 0d 17 60 03 5d 85 c9
May 15 23:40:29 linux pppd[792]: HOST_UNIQ successful match
May 15 23:40:29 linux pppd[792]: Got connection: b4a9
May 15 23:40:29 linux pppd[792]: Connecting PPPoE socket: 00:09:b7:3e:bc:37 a9b4 eth0 0x808a850
May 15 23:40:29 linux pppd[792]: Using interface ppp0
May 15 23:40:29 linux pppd[792]: Connect: ppp0 <--> eth0
May 15 23:40:29 linux pppd[792]: Setting MTU to 1492.
May 15 23:40:29 linux pppd[792]: Couldn't increase MRU to 1500
May 15 23:40:44 linux kernel: NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
May 15 23:40:44 linux kernel: eth0: Tx queue start entry 10  dirty entry 6.
May 15 23:40:44 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 0 is 00002000.
May 15 23:40:44 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 1 is 00002000.
May 15 23:40:44 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 2 is 00002000. (queue head)
May 15 23:40:44 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 3 is 00002000.
May 15 23:40:44 linux kernel: eth0: Setting 100mbps half-duplex based on auto-negotiated partner ability 40a1.
May 15 23:40:56 linux kernel: NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
May 15 23:40:56 linux kernel: eth0: Tx queue start entry 4  dirty entry 0.
May 15 23:40:56 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 0 is 00002000. (queue head)
May 15 23:40:56 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 1 is 00002000.
May 15 23:40:56 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 2 is 00002000.
May 15 23:40:56 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 3 is 00002000.
May 15 23:40:56 linux kernel: eth0: Setting 100mbps half-duplex based on auto-negotiated partner ability 40a1.
May 15 23:41:08 linux kernel: NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
May 15 23:41:08 linux kernel: eth0: Tx queue start entry 4  dirty entry 0.
May 15 23:41:08 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 0 is 00002000. (queue head)
May 15 23:41:08 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 1 is 00002000.
May 15 23:41:08 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 2 is 00002000.
May 15 23:41:08 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 3 is 00002000.
May 15 23:41:08 linux kernel: eth0: Setting 100mbps half-duplex based on auto-negotiated partner ability 40a1.
May 15 23:41:20 linux kernel: NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
May 15 23:41:20 linux kernel: eth0: Tx queue start entry 4  dirty entry 0.
May 15 23:41:20 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 0 is 00002000. (queue head)
May 15 23:41:20 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 1 is 00002000.
May 15 23:41:20 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 2 is 00002000.
May 15 23:41:20 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 3 is 00002000.
May 15 23:41:20 linux kernel: eth0: Setting 100mbps half-duplex based on auto-negotiated partner ability 40a1.
May 15 23:41:32 linux kernel: NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
May 15 23:41:32 linux kernel: eth0: Tx queue start entry 4  dirty entry 0.
May 15 23:41:32 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 0 is 00002000. (queue head)
May 15 23:41:32 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 1 is 00002000.
May 15 23:41:32 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 2 is 00002000.
May 15 23:41:32 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 3 is 00002000.
May 15 23:41:32 linux kernel: eth0: Setting 100mbps half-duplex based on auto-negotiated partner ability 40a1.
May 15 23:41:44 linux kernel: NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
May 15 23:41:44 linux kernel: eth0: Tx queue start entry 4  dirty entry 0.
May 15 23:41:44 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 0 is 00002000. (queue head)
May 15 23:41:44 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 1 is 00002000.
May 15 23:41:44 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 2 is 00002000.
May 15 23:41:44 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 3 is 00002000.
May 15 23:41:44 linux kernel: eth0: Setting 100mbps half-duplex based on auto-negotiated partner ability 40a1.
May 15 23:41:56 linux kernel: NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
May 15 23:41:56 linux kernel: eth0: Tx queue start entry 4  dirty entry 0.
May 15 23:41:56 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 0 is 00002000. (queue head)
May 15 23:41:56 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 1 is 00002000.
May 15 23:41:56 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 2 is 00002000.
May 15 23:41:56 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 3 is 00002000.
May 15 23:41:56 linux kernel: eth0: Setting 100mbps half-duplex based on auto-negotiated partner ability 40a1.
May 15 23:42:08 linux kernel: NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
May 15 23:42:08 linux kernel: eth0: Tx queue start entry 4  dirty entry 0.
May 15 23:42:08 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 0 is 00002000. (queue head)
May 15 23:42:08 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 1 is 00002000.
May 15 23:42:08 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 2 is 00002000.
May 15 23:42:08 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 3 is 00002000.
May 15 23:42:08 linux kernel: eth0: Setting 100mbps half-duplex based on auto-negotiated partner ability 40a1.
May 15 23:42:20 linux kernel: NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
May 15 23:42:20 linux kernel: eth0: Tx queue start entry 4  dirty entry 0.
May 15 23:42:20 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 0 is 00002000. (queue head)
May 15 23:42:20 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 1 is 00002000.
May 15 23:42:20 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 2 is 00002000.
May 15 23:42:20 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 3 is 00002000.
May 15 23:42:20 linux kernel: eth0: Setting 100mbps half-duplex based on auto-negotiated partner ability 40a1.
May 15 23:42:32 linux kernel: NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
May 15 23:42:32 linux kernel: eth0: Tx queue start entry 4  dirty entry 0.
May 15 23:42:32 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 0 is 00002000. (queue head)
May 15 23:42:32 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 1 is 00002000.
May 15 23:42:32 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 2 is 00002000.
May 15 23:42:32 linux kernel: eth0:  Tx descriptor 3 is 00002000.
May 15 23:42:32 linux kernel: eth0: Setting 100mbps half-duplex based on auto-negotiated partner ability 40a1.
May 15 23:42:32 linux pppd[792]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
May 15 23:42:32 linux pppd[792]: Connection terminated.
May 15 23:42:32 linux pppd[792]: Doing disconnect
May 15 23:42:32 linux pppd[792]: Exit.

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