[LUGOS] gov.si na linux

Robert Ludvik robert.ludvik at zd-lj.si
Fri Feb 28 09:27:12 CET 2003

orodja, ki bi olajsala delo programerjem (tako, za arhiv)

I would like to tell you about some tools one of our user is 
You'll find them here : http://oootools.free.fr/
For the moment they are in french.
You'll find in that directory one tool named 'response file' wich is a
perl script to make a silent install (automatical install) of OOo.
The other tool named 'analyse' is a perl script which sort the 
number of
document in a done directory. This allow you to know the volume of MSO
doc before migrated them on OOo. The one named analyse_macro will
indicate the number of xls sheet with macro. You don't need to 
have perl
to run them, they are compile as exe to run under Windows.
Fred, (who is doing migrations to SO/OOo in several hospital in 
the author will document the script to help the translation and these
tools will be under GPL. Other tools will come soon (parameters to 
the results of the analysis to a mail adress)
Hope this could be of help for some of you :)
BTW we are begining the french translation of the writer Guide.

> Sploh ne, za začetek bi lahko se resno lotili OpenOfficea, če je
> potrebno tudi tako, da se najame dva programerja, ki bi se lotila tistih
> stvari, ki državno upravo najbolj bolijo (roko na srce, kvaliteta
> OpenOfficea je velikokrat precenjena).
> Treba je _zdaj_ razmišljat koliko bodo rešitve stale v kontekstu nekaj
> let... Če se tako odločijo za OO jim to, v hipotetičnem a precej
> neverjetnem primeru, da linux postane primeren za njihov desktop, lahko
> koristi, ker bodo lažje potem menjali spodnjo platformo.

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