[LUGOS] Postfix + Amavis + Spamassassin

Andraz Sraka a at aufbix.org
Sun Feb 16 00:26:58 CET 2003


On Sat, 2003-02-15 at 17:15, Davor Guttierrez wrote:

> Na strežniku imam nameščen SpamAssassin in Amavis Perl v sodelovanju s
> Sophos Sweepom. Če delam po navodilih SpamAssassina, ustavraim .forward
> in .procmailrc file potem mi Postfix ne preglejuje viruse z Amavisom. Ne
> najdem pa rešitve. Datoteke so sledeče:

priporocam, da uporabis amavisd-new
<http://www.ijs.si/software/amavisd/> + postfix, ki zna prav lepo delat
z perl modulom Mail:SpamAssassin, tako da ne rabis nic posebaj pacat z
procmailom. Za skeniranje proti virusom pa uporabis ali Sophie, ali pa
SAVI-Perl. Oba imata v ozadju Sophos antivirus.


   "One of the joys of being a kid is that experiences are new and therefore
more intense."  -Calvin sniffing mustard
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