fedora up2date

Iztok Štotl iztok.stotl at guest.arnes.si
Wed Dec 31 09:10:52 CET 2003

Zakaj mi fedorin up2date noce nadgraditi kernela ?

Fetching package list for channel: fedora-core-1...

Fetching http://fedora.redhat.com/releases/fedora-core-1/headers/header.info...

Fetching package list for channel: updates-released...

Fetching http://fedora.redhat.com/updates/released/fedora-core-1/headers/header.info...

Fetching Obsoletes list for channel: fedora-core-1...

Fetching Obsoletes list for channel: updates-released...

Fetching rpm headers...

Name                                    Version        Rel     

The following Packages were marked to be skipped by your configuration:

Name                                    Version        Rel  Reason
kernel                                  2.4.22         1.2135.nptlPkg name/pattern
kernel-source                           2.4.22         1.2135.nptlPkg name/pattern

All packages are currently up to date

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