[LUGOS] CD - recorder

Goran Kavrecic gorank at email.si
Mon Dec 29 16:14:51 CET 2003

writer mi zdaj prepozna,
k3b mi sicer napiše tole(pa ide-scsi še ni vključen):
cdrdao 1.1.7 does not support ATAPI
The configured version of cdrdao does not support writing to ATAPI
devices without SCSI emulation and there is at least one writer in your
system not configured to use SCSI emulation.
Solution: The best and recommended solution is to enable ide-scsi (SCSI
emulation) for all writer devices. This way you won't have any problems.
Or you install (or select as the default) a more recent version of
Poskusil sem zapisati CD in ga prebere tudi v oknih.

Kakšne težave lahko imam glede na to sporočilo?
A to je samo za disk-at-once ali tudi pri drugih zapisih?

LP, Goran

Na 1072709859, 2003-12-29 ob 15:57, je Blaz Podrzaj napisal(a):
> Kot prvo append="hdx=ide-scsi", ce je kernel modulariziran.
> lp,B
> On Mon, 29 Dec 2003, Goran Kavrecic wrote:
> > Na masini imam Gentoo 1.4, namestil sem k3b, vendar mi ne prepozna
> > cd-recorderja.
> >
> > Kaj moram preveriti, narediti?

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