[LUGOS] password in keyboard shortcut v gnome 2.4

OPINFOS barko at opinfos.com
Sat Dec 27 15:24:13 CET 2003

Nekaj kar sem našel na redhatovih straneh:

Use Single-User Mode

You can log in with single-user mode and create a new root password. 

Reboot your computer. If you are currently set up to log in to X rather than a 
console, you will need to press [Ctrl]-[X] when prompted. When you see the 
boot: prompt, type linux single to enter single-user mode. Some of the 
filesystems will be mounted, and you will find a bash# prompt when you've 
entered single-user mode (note that this prompt will look somewhat different 
than the prompt you're accustomed to). 

Now, you can change root's password by typing 

bash# passwd root

You'll be asked to re-type the password for verification. Once you're 
finished, the password will be changed and you can reboot by typing shutdown 
-r now at the prompt; then you can log in to root as before. 

Password Maintenance With Linuxconf

za uporabnika pa:

Open a shell prompt and log in as root (su - and root password). Then type 
linuxconf at the prompt. This will open the linuxconf tool. 

Click on User accounts to expand that part of the tree and then click on 
Normal. Under Normal, click on User Accounts again. A list of user accounts 
will appear. 

Select the user name you need a password for and the Base information tab 
appears. Click on Passwd and a New UNIX password dialog appears. Enter the 
new password for this user account. If you forgot your old one, you have to 
select a new one; Linux will not tell you your old password. Click on Accept. 

Dne sobota 27. decembra 2003 12:46 je Jernej Vodopivec napisal(a):
> Zivjo!
> Imam dva problema: na masini sem pozabil geslo za root in za (edinega)
> uporabnika, ki je aktiven. A je kaksna moznost, da bi ugotovil geslo in ga
> ne bi povozil z novim? To pa rabim zato, ker je na drugi masini, kjer sem
> prav tako pozabil geslo, zelo podobno, do nje pa nimam fizicnega dostopa:)
> BTW. A kdo ve, kako bi v gnome namizju naredil za zaganjanje poljubenega
> programa bliznjico na tipkovnici?
> Hvala, lp!
> Jernej
> ____________________
> http://www.email.si/


[...s]-[it happens...]


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