[LUGOS] ide performace

Uroš Golja goljau at comcom.si
Thu Dec 11 09:00:18 CET 2003

RAID imaš? Potem druga opcija sploh ne pride v poštev. Citat iz 
Software-RAID-HOWTO (velja tudi za hardware IDE RAID!):

"It is *very* important, that you only use *one* IDE disk per IDE bus. 
Not only would two disks ruin the performance, but the failure of a disk 
often guarantees the failure of the bus, and therefore the failure of 
all disks on that bus. In a fault-tolerant RAID setup (RAID levels 
1,4,5), the failure of one disk can be handled, but the failure of two 
disks (the two disks on the bus that fails due to the failure of the one 
disk) will render the array unusable. Also, when the master drive on a 
bus fails, the slave or the IDE controller may get awfully confused. One 
bus, one drive, that's the rule."

Mislim, da to pove vse. Preswitchaj vsak disk na svoje vodilo in cdrw 
zapni kot slave na 2. IDE kanal.


Ratko wrote:

>Cau vsem.
>Imam vkljucen softwerski raid 1 v kernelu. Imam dva ide diska (in 1 cdrw) v 
>racunalniku, dma je vklopljen v kernelu. 
>kaj je bolje:
>1. vsak ide disk na svojem vodilu, cdrw je slave na enem od njih,
>2. oba diska na svojem vodilu (master, slave), cdrw je master na svojem.
>prijatelj me prepričuje, da je 2 opcija boljša, ker drugače cdrw zabremza tist 
>disk ki je z njim na vodilu na ata33. sedaj imam to drugo verzijo in je 
>zadeva kritično počasna (celo noč je delal mirror na raidu - 80 Gb, prenos je 
>nekje 1 Mb / s). 

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