[LUGOS] konqueror in klik lj banke

David Klasinc bigwhale at m42.cx
Wed Sep 26 08:47:51 CEST 2001

On Tuesday 25 September 2001 16:37, Vili_Arnes wrote:

> tale Klik pa Zaslon resm lahko mal popravi!
> ----- Original Message -----

Tale debata pa res ne sodi na tole listo, ti se pa lahko naucis citirat, 
preberes pravila dopisnega seznama, pa se mogoce kako stran iz bontona...

PS: Ja, tudi _tale_ mail ne sodi na listo... Ampak zacel se bom dret 
'moderator' :)

It wasn't that she had a rose in her teeth, exactly. It was more like the
rose and the teeth were in the same glass.

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