RH6.2 in VMware

Franc Farazin franc.farazin at hermes.si
Wed Jul 4 14:23:02 CEST 2001


na mojo masino (dual boot: NT in RH6.2) sem instaliral VMware 2.03. Da bi se
linux zagnal tudi pod X-i pise v VMware manulau, da moras naredit naslednje:

Installing the Precompiled Object File 
	Log in to your guest operating system as root.
	Download the precompiled module vmware_drv.o. 
	Copy the module into place.
	cp vmware_drv.o /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/vmware_drv.o 
	Modify the XF86Config. This is likely /etc/X11/XF86Config-4. You
will need to add a Device section that looks like this: 
		     Section "Device"
		         Identifier  "VMware SVGA"
		         Driver      "vmware"
		         BusID      "PCI:0:15:0"
		You will then need to make sure that your Screen sections
		Device "VMware SVGA" 

Problem nastane, ko hocem skopirat datoteko "vmware_drv.o" na direktorij
"/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/" - poddirektorija "drivers/" na RH6.2 NI
(se mi zdi malce smesno, da bi ga kreiral sam), medtem, ko na Mandrake-u ta
direktorij ze JE in ze vsebuje knjiznice tipa *.o . Sprasujem se, kje se to
nahaja v RH6.2 oz. kam predlagate, da skopiram omenjeno datoteko?

Lp, Frank

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