[ LUGOS ] Kako se vam je zdel KyLIX ?

Primoz Gabrijelcic gabr na 17slon.com
Čet Mar 22 14:13:33 CET 2001

> Se pravi je predstavitev/nateg uspel. Mene so s svojimi trditvami
> popolnoma nastimal, pa morem rect, da nisem lih nov tako v Linuxu kot v
> Delphiju.

Iz raznih kosckov Install CD-ja:

2.5a GPL applications using VisualCLX
There is a dependency on the Qt libraries in VisualCLX. If you
distribute a GPL application that uses VisualCLX you are also
required to either ship the source to the Qt/X11 Free Edition
libraries or provide this link to downloadable source:
ftp://ftp.trolltech.com/qt/source/qt-x11-2.2.4.tar.gz. Also,
several of these files were patched. Patches of the diff's
are available on the CD in the /patches/qt directory and affect
the following files:



Kylix has the following library dependencies:

 - Kylix requires glibc 2.1.2 or later, as do applications
   created with Kylix. Also, bugs in some versions of glibc can
   affect Kylix and Kylix applications. See "Issues with glibc"

 - If you install the dbExpress InterBase client driver, you will
   need to have libcrypt.so installed. Some Linux distributions
   omit this library or do not include it in a base install. When
   installing Red Hat 6.2 or Mandrake 7.2, be sure to include
   glibc-devel in the package list. If your distribution does not
   include libcrypt.so, contact the package maintainer, or search
   online Linux resources, such as http://rpmfind.net/.


-- Kylix requires Linux kernel 2.2 or higher. (Some, but not all,
       Kylix applications also have this requirement.) All supported
       distributions already meet this requirement.

-- Kylix requires libjpeg 6.2 or higher. (Some, but not all, Kylix
       applications also have this requirement.) An RPM package for this
       version is provided.


httpd.conf must also contain:

  SetEnv LD_LIBRARY_PATH <install directory>/bin
  SetEnv LANG en_US


Tistega o ne-zmoznosti staticnega linkanja database drajverjev ne najdem v
dokumentaciji, je bilo pa ze vsaj desetkrat omenjeno na newsgroupih.

> Si bom ze danes instaliral tole zival, pa bom sprobal. Imam X in twm in
> nic drugega, pa da vidmo ce so fantje lagali, ker ce so, jim je kej za
> utrgat. Pa ASM bom definitivno sprobal, ker ce to drzi, kar je stric reku
> se bi lahko kaksen driver kar na hitro v Kylixu spisal.

ASM dela takole

    MOV ...
    CALL ...
    JMP ...

brez problemov. Menda podpira celo MMX in podobne finte - nisem poskusil.


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