[ LUGOS ] Xfree 4.0.2

Gregor Zorè gregor.zorc na email.si
Pon Jan 29 16:24:07 CET 2001

Mi lahko še poveš kakšen apt-get ukaz bi bil najbolj primeren za narediti 
upgrade? Uporabljam mach64 server, če rabiš ta podatek.


On Monday 29 January 2001 16:08, you wrote:
> On the day of the Lord Mon, 29 Jan 2001 15:56:27 +0100
> Gregor Zorč <gregor.zorc na email.si> mentioned:
> > Kako najlažje naredim upgrade na Xfree 4.0.2?
> >
> > Moj sistem: Debian 2.2r2 z Xfree 3.? (tisti ki pride privzeto s to Debian
> > distribucijo).
> >
> > Če se da narediti z apt-get ukazom, bi prosil za to možnost, in tudi za
> > vrstico(e),  ki jih je potrebno vpisati v /etc/apt/sources.list.
> Jaz imam tole:
> deb ftp://ftp.kernel.org/debian stable main contrib non-free
> deb ftp://ftp.kernel.org/debian unstable main contrib non-free
> deb ftp://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US stable/non-US main contrib
> non-free deb ftp://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US unstable/non-US main
> contrib non-free deb http://security.debian.org stable/updates main contrib
> non-free deb ftp://spidermonkey.ximian.com/distributions/debian unstable
> main deb-src http://http.us.debian.org/debian stable main contrib non-free
> 				Andy
> --
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> |
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> ----------------------

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