[ LUGOS ] web mail

Bostjan Muller neonatus na neonatus.net
Pon Jan 15 12:38:21 CET 2001

* On 15-01-01 at 12:15 Gorazd Golob (gorazd na kid.kibla.org) wrote:
+----Here quoted text begins----+
> re!
> probaj to
> http://www.endymion.com/products/mailman/
> ee. samo menda ne odpira imapa :)
> 		lp, gorazd
+----and here the quote ends----+
Pa tudi ni nekomercialen... free verzija ima precej omejene zmoznosti in tudi
ni cisto free ce se ne motim... ce se le da bi izbral kako gpl zadevo.

BoĹĄtjan MĂźller [NEONATUS], neonatus na neonatus.net, http://neonatus.net/~neonatus
For my PGP key finger: neonatus na neonatus.net, RSA id: 0x90178DBD, ICQ #:7506644
    Celular: +386(0)41243189, Powered by Debian GNU/LiNUX , Student of VFUL
            0 and 1. Now what could be so hard about that?

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