[ LUGOS ] amavis in postfix
Tomaz Borstnar
tomaz.borstnar na over.net
Pet Jan 12 15:52:51 CET 2001
At 13:17 12.1.01, you wrote:
>ima kdo postavljeno navedeno? hocem postaviti z dvema postfixoma,
>(kot je opisano v README.postfix)
>prvi poslusa na portu 25 in ima nastavljeno mydestination = in
>vse ostalo,pregleda za viruse, ce je ok preko vscan pipe poslje
>2. postfixu, ki opravi dejanski delivery
>ni mi jasno, kako naj resim relay access denied zaradi
>mydestination= prazen string
Ti manjka tole?
# The mynetworks parameter specifies the list of networks that are
# local to this machine. The list is used by the anti-UCE software
# to distinguish local clients from strangers. See permit_mynetworks
# and smtpd_recipient_restrictions in the file sample-smtpd.cf file.
# The default is a list of all networks attached to the machine: a
# complete class A network (X.0.0.0/8), a complete class B network
# (X.X.0.0/16), and so on. If you want stricter control, specify a
# list of network/mask patterns, where the mask specifies the number
# of bits in the network part of a host address. You can also specify
# the absolute pathname of a pattern file instead of listing the
# patterns here.
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