[ LUGOS ] default timeout
creative na amis.net
Čet Jan 25 17:57:46 CET 2001
At 16:54 25.1.2001, you wrote:
>Rad bi nastavil timeout na shellu - ko se user lokalno logira na masino in
>se ne odlogira, da bi ga po 15 min idlanja odlogiralo. Kje bi se to dalo
Edit your profile file "vi /etc/profile" and add the following line
somewhere after the line that read
"HISTFILESIZE=" on this file:
The value we enter for the variable "TMOUT=" is in second and represent 2
hours (60 * 60 =
3600 * 2 = 7200 seconds). It is important to note that if you decide to put
the above line in your
"/etc/profile" file, then the automatic logout after two hours of
inactivity will apply for all users on
the system. So, instead, if your prefer to control which users will be
automatically logged out and
which ones not, you can set this variable in their individual ".bashrc " file.
After this parameter has been set on your system, you must logout and login
again (as root) for
the change to take effect.
mislim da je to .... na RH
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