[ LUGOS ] reiserfs

Metod Kozelj metod.kozelj na rzs-hm.si
Sre Feb 7 13:50:38 CET 2001


On Wed, 7 Feb 2001, Branko F. Gracner wrote:

> ce hoces uporabljati reiserfs na raid volumnu, potem moras za to
> poiskati dodatne patche.

Iz FAQa (http://www.namesys.com/faq.html):

Can I use ReiserFS with software RAID. 

        For Linux 2.4.1, yes. Not with raid5 under linux 2.2.x, our
        journaling and their raid code step on each other in the
        buffering code. Also, you must use the mirror syncing tools
        with the FS unmounted. Otherwise, yes, you may do striping
        and concatenating and mirroring. 

Jaz hocem uporabljati reiserfs na raid0, torej striping ... Na 2.2.18.

Se kaksna ideja?

Pa se eno vprasanje: kako je z NFS exportom reiser FS? V FAQ nekaj pise o
patchih in podobno. Ali je kdo ze kaj takega pocel?


---- perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

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