[ LUGOS ] mgetty

Jure Krasovic jure.krasovic na rcc-irc.si
Pon Sep 25 07:15:50 CEST 2000


Mgetty uporablja default inicializacijski string, ki ga lahko v
mgetty.conf-u spremenis. Ocitno je, da mu pri default stringu nekaj ne pase.
Modem enega od AT ukazov ne razume in se ne postavi pravilno. Napisi na roke
init string pa bo slo.

Lep pozdrav!


gdb wrote:

> Poskusal sem instalirat mgetty, da bi lahko uporabljal callback feature,
> a se je zataknilo ze na zacetku. Problem je v tem (vsaj po mojem mneju),
> da modem in mgetty ne znata komunicirati. Tule je izpis iz mgetty.ttyS0
> loga :
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> 09/24 23:27:51 yS0  check for lockfiles
> 09/24 23:27:51 yS0   checklock: stat failed, no file
> 09/24 23:27:51 yS0  locking the line
> 09/24 23:27:51 yS0   makelock(ttyS0) called
> 09/24 23:27:51 yS0   do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0'
> 09/24 23:27:51 yS0   lock made
> 09/24 23:27:52 yS0   tio_get_rs232_lines: status: RTS CTS DSR DTR
> 09/24 23:27:52 yS0  lowering DTR to reset Modem
> 09/24 23:27:52 yS0   tss: set speed to 38400 (017)
> 09/24 23:27:52 yS0   tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
> 09/24 23:27:52 yS0   waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read:
> 09/24 23:27:52 yS0  send: ATZ[0d]
> 09/24 23:27:53 yS0  waiting for ``OK''
> 09/24 23:27:53 yS0   got: ATZ[0d]
> 09/24 23:28:13 yS0  timeout in chat script, waiting for `OK'
> 09/24 23:28:13 yS0  init chat timed out, trying force-init-chat
> 09/24 23:28:13 yS0  send: \d[10][03]\d\d\d+++\d\d\d[0d]\dATQ0V1H0[0d]
> 09/24 23:28:17 yS0  waiting for ``OK''
> 09/24 23:28:17 yS0   got: [10][03]+++[0d]ATQ0V1H0[0d]
> 09/24 23:28:36 ##### failed dev=ttyS0, pid=3890, got signal 15,
> exiting
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> takole pa zgelda mgetty.config :
> port ttyS0
>     modem-type data
>     rings 1
>     login-prompt This is modem port \L of @\r\n\nPlease login:\040
>     init-chat "" ATZ OK
> # ----- global section -----
> #
> # In this section, you put the global defaults, per-port stuff is below
> # set the global debug level to "5" (which is quite verbose)
> debug 5
> # which fax number to transmit to the receiving station
> fax-id +31 50 363 6686
> # access the modem(s) with 38400 bps
> speed
> 38400
> # the /dev/tty-device is owned by uucp.uucp and mode "rw-rw-r--" (664)
> #   Following the manual, I use the default (660)
> port-owner uucp
> port-group uucp
> #port-mode
> 0660
> # incoming faxes are owned by "root.uucp" and mode "rw-r-----" (640)
> # I use the default (640)
> fax-owner root
> fax-group uucp
> #fax-mode 0640
> #port ttyS0
> #    rings 1
> #    login-prompt This is modem port \L of @\r\n\nPlease login:\040
> #    init-chat "" ATZ OK
> #    notify root
> #    modem-type cls2
> #    switchbd
> 19200
> Pomoje je problem v tem ,da mgetty posilja AT komande v stilu >>send:
> ATZ[0d]<<, ali pa se motim. Kakorkoli, kaj mi je storiti, da odpravim
> tezavo.
> cu


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