[ LUGOS ] connections wont go away

David Klasinc bigwhale na m42.cx
Pet Sep 22 17:06:51 CEST 2000

On Fri, Sep 22, 2000 at 10:08:43AM -0700, kesl-lists na softhome.net wrote:

> time it seems that connections do not get released and sooner or later
> I get an error saying something like "too many connections"

Ce delas s phpjem, potem vsake toliko casa uporabi OCIFreeStatement() in pa
za connect uporabljaj OCILogon(). Seveda moras tudi OCILogoff ouporabljat...
;> Oz je vsaj dobro. OCILogOn() deluje tako, da najprej pogleda, ce je ze
kak connection na bazo in ga ponuca, da ne odpira novega...

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