Roman Maurer roman.maurer na hermes.si
Čet Nov 30 14:31:02 CET 2000

Tako imenovani kesl piše:
> ce imas ogromno drevesno strukturo in naredis "rm * -rf" bo delal pol
> ure... a ni nacina, da mu reces naj pobrise vse in to naredi takoj?

Če napišeš "man rm", izveš tudi tole izbiro, ki bi utegnila biti

       -d, --directory
              Remove  directories  with  unlink(2)   instead   of
              rmdir(2), and don't require a directory to be empty
              before trying to unlink it.  Only works if you have
              appropriate privileges.  Because unlinking a direc­
              tory causes any files in the deleted  directory  to
              become  unreferenced,  it  is  wise  to fsck(8) the
              filesystem after doing this.

David Klasinc piše:
> Malo bi pospesilo, ce bi naredil
> mk2efs /dev/hda
> To bo isto hitro, ne glede na to kaka je drevesna struktura...

David, takšne pripombe PMSM ne koristijo nikomur.

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