[ LUGOS ] dns in kultnost
Iztok Umek
iztok na si-con.com
Sre Nov 8 19:31:02 CET 2000
Quoting Damir Horvat <damir.horvat na ibe.si>:
> zivjo!
> postavljal sem dns streznik in sem na enem od klientov zasledil
> hostname "450". Prej niso imeli dns streznika pa jim je bilo vseeno,
> sam da "omrezna sosescina" deluje.
> Ker je doticni direktor in mu stevilo 450 pomeni vec je vztrajal...in se
> vedno nimajo dns streznika.
> ampak vseeno me zanima, ce obstaja kak nacin, da to deluje?
> Dns sicer nekak deluje, ampak tko na pol. Nisem se spomnil da bi
> poizkusil z "alt255" + "450"..
> nevem..any hints?
"What are the valid characters in a hostname?
Hostnames can contain letters, numbers, and hyphens, and may not start
with a hyphen. Underscore (_) is not a valid character in a hostname.
While there are some DNS server software packages available that allow
underscore within published host names, most do not. Using a domain or
host name with an underscore will cause most name servers on the
Internet to stop recognizing the related host/IP address."
"Don't use digits at the beginning of the name"
"The first character must be an alpha character."
Iztok Umek iztok na si-con.com
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