[ LUGOS ] vmware 2.0.2 + RH 7.0
Iztok Umek
iztok na si-con.com
Pet Nov 3 20:26:31 CET 2000
Quoting Miran <Miran na gmx.net>:
> Pozdravljeni!
> Imam problem z instalacijo vm-ware 2.0.2 na Red Hat 7.0.
> To mi javi instalacijska skripta:
> ------------------------------------------------
> What is the location of the directory of C header files that match
> your running kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] /usr/include
> The directory of kernel headers (version 2.4.0-0.26) does not match
> your running kernel (version 2.2.16-22). Consequently, even if the
> compilation of the module was successful, the module would not load
> into the running kernel.
> -------------------------------------------------
> Kaj naj naredim?
To, kar ti pise.
Imas dve opciji:
1. Preides na kernel 2.4.0-0.26 (in ga dejansko poganjas)
2. Povej pravo lokacijo za header datoteke tvojega delujocega kernela
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