[ LUGOS ] Postfix Header Rewriting..

Borut Mrak borut.mrak na ijs.si
Sre Nov 1 20:19:31 CET 2000

On Mon, Oct 30, 2000 at 03:06:06PM +0100, David Klasinc wrote:
> vse @bla.bla naj zamenja z @you.suck
> Kjerkoli v headerju..

Iz man canonical:


       @domain address
              Every  address  in  domain  is replaced by address.
              This form has the lowest precedence.


       In all the above forms, when address has the form  @other­
       domain, the result is the same user in otherdomain.


Upam, da sem bil v pomoc.


borut.mrak na ijs.si
Every child has many wishes. Some include a wallet, two chicks
and a cigar, but that's another story.

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