[ LUGOS ] ne plaintext mail daemon
Bostjan Muller
neonatus na gimp.thz.net
Pon Maj 22 20:57:42 CEST 2000
Zanima me ce kdo ve za kak pop ali imap server, ki zna delati tudi z kodiranimi
gesli oz. z ne plaintext gesli - na varianto APOP ali kaj podobnega za linux.
Prosil bi za url, ime programa ...
Vnaprej hvala!
Boštjan Müller [NEONATUS], neonatus na gimp.thz.net, http://surf.to/NEONATUS
For my PGP key finger: neonatus na gimp.thz.net, RSA id: 0x90178DBD, ICQ #:7506644
Celular: +386(0)41243189, Powered by S.u.S.E. Linux 6.2, Student of VFUL
Actually, Microsoft is sort of a mixture between the Borg and the Ferengi.
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