[ LUGOS ] Backup

David Klasinc bigwhale na m42.cx
Sob Maj 20 22:01:02 CEST 2000

On Sat, May 20, 2000 at 07:14:00PM +0200, Polz of the SBT wrote:
> mount -o remount,ro /; gzip /dev/hda1 > /home/image.gz; mount -o remount,rw /;
> cdrecord /home/image.gz

Pa /proc izpustis... sicer pa ro ni nujen... Pri eni sami single user
masini, ki jo doma uporabljas je po mojem bolj brez veze...

> Seveda pa je pogosto pametneje narediti en .tgz direktorijev /etc in
> /usr/local/,
> ostale reci pa ob sesutju pac na novo instaliras.

Tako ali tako ob sesutju delas reinstall in das najnovejse verzije gor... ;>

Microsoft is not a company that should be innovating. When they do, they
don't come up with things like "better security" or "stability", they come
up with "talking paperclips".

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