[ LUGOS ] modem, kppp, kppp.allow, RH6.1

IgoR IgorF na ix.netcom.com
Pet Mar 24 07:45:58 CET 2000

A mi lahko nekdo svetuje, kaj naj naredim, da bi lahko
uporabljal 'kppp' kot obicajni uporabnik v KDE namizju.
Ce sem logiran kot 'root' , je vse OK.

Ce pa se logiram kot , recimo, 'igor'  potem moram ob zagonu
'kppp' dialerja najprej vpisati 'root' password. Sele za tem lahko
kliknem na 'connect'

Uporabljam RH6.1.

Hvala vnaprej za kakrsen koli nasvet, idejo ali pa celo resitev mojega
( tudi kazalec na RTFM je dobrodosel)


P.S.  Kaj sem do sedaj poiskusil:

 POSKUS stevilka 1:
sledil sem navodilom, ki sem jih nasel tukaj:
Na koncu tega pisma sem citiral le-ta navodila.

Zadeva ne deluje niti z 'group permissions' niti
kot takoimenovani 'kde_way'

POSKUS stevilka 2:
Na www.deja.com sem zagnal search in nasel en nasvet,
ki pa , na mojo veliko zalost, tudi ne deluje.
Pravijo, da bi moral menjati 'permissions' za pppd.
Poskusil sem, in ni delovalo.

Na 'deja.com' so rekli takole ( prosim, ce kliknes na link)
angleski pismi


italijansko pismo

To je pa tekst is KDE help fajla

8.1 Restricting access to kppp

A system administrator might want to restrict access to who
is allowed to use kppp. There are two ways to accomplish this:

With group permissions

Create a new group (you might want to name it "dialout" or similar),
put every user that should be allowed to use kppp into that group and

chown root.dialout /usr/local/kde/bin/kppp
chmod 4750 /usr/local/kde/bin/kppp

This assumes that KDE was installed in /usr/local/kde and your
new group is named "dialout".

kppp´s way

Before doing anything, kppp checks if there is a file named
If such a file exists, ONLY users named in this file are allowed to dial
This file must be readable by every user (of course NOT writable).
Only login names are recognised, thus you cannot use UID´s in this file.

Here´s a short example:

# /etc/kppp.allow
# comment lines like this are ignored,
# as well as empty lines

# I put myself in here :-)

In the example above only the users fred, karl and mweilguni
can use kppp to dial out, as well as every user with a UID of 0.
So you don´t need to put root in this file.

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