[ LUGOS ] OFFTOPIC blue screen of death

Matej Spiller Matej.Spiller na guest.arnes.si
Čet Jun 15 15:57:02 CEST 2000

Tuki ga mas!!! (Drgac je pa res offtopic)
Upam, da je to kar si hotu. (To je txt verzija
napake v winsuksih)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "STUDIO TRG" <studiotrg na studiotrg.si>
To: <lugos-list na lugos.si>
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 10:32 AM
Subject: [ LUGOS ] OFFTOPIC blue screen of death

> Se opravicujem za off topic prosnjo, ampak...
> Ali kdo ve, kje bi dobil screeshot tistega modrega sranja, ki se vse
> prepogosto pojavi v windowsih (neki v smislu fatal exception itd.)
> Hvala,
> Luka
> p.s. odgovori na studiotrg na studiotrg.si (da ne nadaljujemo threada v
> lugoslistu)

                                    Windows ws                                  
       An exception 0E has occurred at 0028:C0018DBA in VxD IFSMGR(01) +        

#       0000340A.  This was called from 0028:C0034118 in VxD NDIS(01) +          
       00000D7C.  It may be possible to continue normally.                      
opp       *  Press any key to attempt to continue                                  
       *  Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart your computer. You will                 
          lose any unsaved information in all applications                      
                           Press Any key to continue.                           

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