[ LUGOS ] mail

sandra na mrcina.bfro.uni-lj.si sandra na mrcina.bfro.uni-lj.si
Pet Jun 16 11:36:05 CEST 2000

X-Sun-Data-Type: text
X-Sun-Data-Description: text
X-Sun-Data-Name: text
X-Sun-Charset: iso-8859-1
X-Sun-Content-Lines: 19

Si sigurna da je problem v Perlu? Jaz delam z Oraclom iz PHPja in dela
ok... ko se ga navadis in spoznas njegove finte, seveda. Poslji
strukturo tabele in stavek, ki ga uporabljas za insert.

Matjaz /kesl

V prilogi pošiljam dva dokumenta. Zaradi poenostavitve povem, 
da je v LJ.sql opisana baza, definirane so tabele, indexi ...
l1_ANIMAL pa je perlov program za loadanje podatkov.

Dodajam tudi odgovor za Simona Golicnika!
Odgovor je z veseljem.

Lep pozdrav,

X-Sun-Data-Type: default-app
X-Sun-Data-Description: default
X-Sun-Data-Name: l1_ANIMAL
X-Sun-Charset: iso-8859-1
X-Sun-Content-Lines: 326

#!/usr/bin/perl  -w
# Loading basic identification data from table $src_table into table
# $dest_table. Here: load into entry and transfer.
use strict;
use vars qw/ $dbh %id_hash $cull_cause $cull_dt $transfer_dt $unit $origin $action
                $birth_dt $owner $dat %store_datum $ext_id @line $entry_dt $decision_dt
                $concat $status $db_user $db_passwd $sec_id $sex $breed $sire $dam
		$ext_id $db_id $last_action /;

my $unita  = shift;

my $src_table = "irena.raw_animal_$unita";
my $dest_table = 'entry';
my $dest_table_2 = 'transfer';
my $dest_table_3 = 'animal';

 use DBI;
 $| = 1;
 $db_user = 'lj';
 $db_passwd = 'jklm';

my $today = GetToday();

use Env qw( PDBL_HOME );
#use Env qw( PDBL_LOCAL );
use lib "$PDBL_HOME" ;
use lib "$PDBL_HOME/lib";
use lib "$PDBL_HOME/baza";
#use lib "$PDBL_LOCAL/model";
require "pdblrc";
require "LJ.model";

$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:Z",$db_user,$db_passwd) 
                      or die $DBI::errstr;

use pdbl_lib;         # standard pdbl lib
use DataBase;         # database routines
use Load;             # some aux routines for loading
#use Rules;
#use FormatDateSS;

#ConnectDB() unless defined $dbh;

######  $id_hash{ $ext_id.$unit } = $db_id
Get_ID_Hash( \%id_hash );

#### set up handles:
#  $sth1            --  read RAW_TABLE
#  $sth_ins_entry   --  insert into ENTRY

# get ID data from src_table:
my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare(qq{
  SELECT    id,sex,breed,sec_id,owner,origin,sire,dam,birth_dt,cull_dt,cull_cause
            FROM $src_table
}) or die $dbh->errstr;
# id,sex,breed,sec_id,owner,origin,sire,dam,birth_dt,cull_dt,cull_cause

####### INSERT into ENTRY
my $sth_ins_entry = $dbh->prepare(qq{
  INSERT INTO $dest_table
  VALUES (? , seq_entry_db_id.nextval, ? )
}) or die $dbh->errstr;
# (ext_id,db_id,unit)
##  end handles

### print "Reading data from $_ ...\n";

my %store;
my $i = 0;
my $a = 0; # animals
my $dups = 0; # duplicate records
my $line_ref;
###print "Processing data ...\n";

while ( $line_ref = $sth1->fetch ) {   # load line by line
   my @line = @$line_ref;
 ###  print "@line \n";
 foreach ( @line ) {
      $_ =~ s/^\s*//;      # remove leading ...
      $_ =~ s/\s*$//;      # ... and trailing whitespaces

  my ($ext_id,$sex,$breed,$sec_id,$owner,$origin,$sire,$dam,$birth_dt,$cull_dt,$cull_cause);
  $ext_id=$sex=$breed=$sec_id=$owner=$origin=$sire=$dam=$birth_dt=$cull_dt=$cull_cause = '';

  my ($ext_id,$sex,$breed,$sec_id,$owner,$origin,$sire,$dam,$birth_dt,$cull_dt,$cull_cause
   ) = @line;

    unless ( exists $id_hash{$ext_id . $owner} ) {
        if ( exists $store{$ext_id} and $store{$ext_id} != 0 ) {  # duplicate records!!!
           print "Duplicate Record --> sex: $sex, society: $origin, hb_nr: $ext_id\n";
         } else {
           $store{$ext_id} = $owner;
  #  }

   # show the progress:
   print '.' unless ++$i%100;
   print " --> $i\n" unless $i%1000;
print " --> $i total\n";
print "(new records: $a animals ($dups duplicates))\n";

############   now all EXT_IDs and UNITs have been created
$i = 0;    
print "Processing data and inserting into table $dest_table ...\n";
foreach ( keys %store ) {
 $sth_ins_entry->execute( $_, $store{$_} );
 # $sth_ins_entry->execute( $_ );
  print '*' unless ++$i%100;
  print " --> $i\n" unless $i%1000;
print "\n$i records inserted into table $dest_table.\n";

###### ENTRY has been populated

############   now all EXT_IDs and UNITs have been created
print "Processing data and inserting into table $dest_table_2...\n";
%id_hash = ();
Get_ID_Hash( \%id_hash );

my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare(qq{
  SELECT     id,owner,birth_dt,status,location,entry_dt,exit_dt,cull_dt,cull_cause,sale_dt,sale_wt,sale_val,
            FROM $src_table
}) or die $dbh->errstr;
my $sth_ins_trans = $dbh->prepare(qq{
  INSERT INTO $dest_table_2
  (ext_id, db_id, owner, status, action, entry_dt, decision_dt,transfer_dt, verific_dt,buyer)
  VALUES (?, ?,     ?,    ?,    ? ,     ?,         Null,        ?,        Null,           Null)
}) or die $dbh->errstr;

print "Reading data from $src_table again ...\n";

%store = ();
$i = 0;
$a = 0;
$dups = 0;

while ( $line_ref = $sth2->fetch ) {   # load line by line
   my @line = @$line_ref;
   foreach ( @line ) {
      $_ =~ s/^\s*//;      # remove leading ...
      $_ =~ s/\s*$//;      # ... and trailing whitespaces
   my (  $ext_id,$owner,$birth_dt,$status,$location,$entry_dt,$exit_dt,$cull_dt,$cull_cause,$sale_dt,$sale_wt,$sale_val,
             ) =  @line;

#if (exists($id_hash{$ext_id.$owner})){
 #       print "obstajam $id_hash{$ext_id.$owner}XXXXX $cull_dt\n";} else {
  #      print "NE obstajam \n"; }
#print "Reading data from $cull_dt, $ext_id again ...\n";

if  ($entry_dt eq '' ) {
        $entry_dt='27.12.51' ; }
 if  ($cull_dt eq '' ) {
       $cull_dt='27.12.51' ; }
# print "Reading data from $cull_dt,$action, $ext_id again ...\n";
if  ($cull_dt eq '27.12.51')	{$action    = 'INITIAL-HERD'};
if  ($cull_dt ne '27.12.51')	{
      if	($cull_cause  eq '98')	{$action    = 'SA'; $unit=$origin}
      elsif	($cull_cause  eq '55')	{$action    = 'SA'; $unit=$origin}
      elsif	($cull_cause  eq '40')	{$action    = 'UC'}
      else      {$action    = 'EX'}; }
 # if  ($birth_dt eq '27.12.51'){
 # if  ($origin eq '9') {$action = 'IP'}  	# animal appears on pedigre of imported animals or semen
 #     else	 	  {$action = 'UC'}; }
 #print "Reading data from $cull_dt,$action, $ext_id,$id_hash{$ext_id.$owner},$owner,$status,$action,$entry_dt,$cull_dt  again ...\n";

#if (exists($id_hash{$ext_id.$owner})){
 #       print "obstajam $ext_id XXXX $id_hash{$ext_id.$owner}XXXXX $cull_dt\n";} else {
  #      print "NE obstajam \n"; }
 if  ($cull_cause eq '' or $cull_cause eq '55' or $cull_cause eq '98' ){
        $status='A'} else {
##### insert into TRANSFER for each entry in ENTRY
 if (exists($id_hash{$ext_id.$owner})){
    $sth_ins_trans->execute($ext_id ,$id_hash{$ext_id.$owner},$owner,$status,$action,"$entry_dt","$cull_dt");
      print '*' unless ++$i%100;
     print " --> $i\n" unless $i%1000; }
print "\n$i records inserted into table $dest_table_2.\n";
###### TRANSFER has been populated

############   now all EXT_IDs and UNITs have been created
print "Processing data and inserting into table $dest_table_2...\n";
%id_hash = ();
Get_ID_Hash( \%id_hash );

my $sth3 = $dbh->prepare(qq{
  SELECT    id,sex,breed,sec_id,owner,origin,sire,dam,birth_dt,cull_dt,cull_cause
            FROM $src_table
}) or die $dbh->errstr;
my $sth_ins_animal = $dbh->prepare(qq{
  INSERT INTO $dest_table_3
  (ext_id, db_id, sex, breed_id, sec_id, birth_dt, sire,dam,origin,status,cull_cause,last_action,last_action_dt)
  VALUES (?, ?,    ?,    ?      , ?       ,?,     ? ,  ?  ,?    ,  Null,     ?,          ?,     ? )
}) or die $dbh->errstr;

print "Reading data from $src_table again ...\n";

%store = ();
$i = 0;
$a = 0;
$dups = 0;

   $ext_id = undef if  $ext_id eq '';
   $db_id = undef if  $db_id eq '';
   $sec_id = undef if  $sec_id eq '';
   $sex  = undef if  $sex eq '';
   $breed = undef if  $breed eq '';
   $owner= undef if  $owner eq '';
   $origin = undef if  $origin eq '';
   $sire= undef if  $sire eq '';
   $dam= undef if  $dam eq '';
   $birth_dt= undef if  $birth_dt eq '';
   $cull_dt = undef if  $cull_dt eq '';
   $cull_cause = undef if  $cull_cause eq '';
   $last_action = undef if  $last_action eq '';

while ( $line_ref = $sth3->fetch ) {   # load line by line
   my @line = @$line_ref;
 ### print  " XXX @line \n";
 foreach ( @line ) {
      $_ =~ s/^\s*//;      # remove leading ...
      $_ =~ s/\s*$//;      # ... and trailing whitespaces

   my ( $ext_id,$sex,$breed,$sec_id,$owner,$origin,$sire,$dam,$birth_dt,$cull_dt,$cull_cause
   ) =  @line;

#if (exists($id_hash{$ext_id.$owner})){
 #       print "obstajam $id_hash{$ext_id.$owner}XXXXX $cull_dt\n";} else {
  #      print "NE obstajam \n"; }

my $last_action='$last_action';

if  ($cull_dt eq '' ) {
        $cull_dt="27.12.51" ; }

if  ($birth_dt eq '' ) {
        $birth_dt="27.12.51" ; }

if  ($cull_dt ne '27.12.51') {
        $last_action="CU"  }
        else {$last_action='';}

#if  ($origin eq '') {     #ne dela
 #       $origin='';}

#if  ($cull_cause eq '') {     #ne dela
 #       $cull_cause='';}

#my  $last_action='$last_action';
#my $breed_id='$breed';
# print "XXXXXXXXX $origin XXXXXXXXXXX \n" ;

 # my $concat = "$ext_id.$sex";
 #  if  ($cull_cause eq '' or $cull_cause eq '55' or $cull_cause eq '98' ){
  #      $status='A'} else {
   #     $status='H'};

 # print "To so vzroki izločitev $cull_cause,$action \n;"
#  unless ( exists $id_hash{$ext_id . $owner} ) {
 #        if ( exists $store{$ext_id} and $store{$ext_id} != 0 ) {  # duplicate records!!!
  #         print "Duplicate Record --> $ext_id\n";
   #         $dups++;
   #      } else {
   #         $store{$ext_id} = $owner;
   #         $a++;
   #      }
   #   }

##### insert into ANIMAL for each entry in ENTRY
 if (exists($id_hash{$ext_id.$owner})){
    $sth_ins_animal->execute($ext_id ,$id_hash{$ext_id.$owner},$sex,$breed,$sec_id,"$birth_dt",$sire,$dam,$origin,$cull_cause,$last_action,"$cull_dt");
     print '*' unless ++$i%100;
     print " --> $i\n" unless $i%1000; }
print "\n$i records inserted into table $dest_table_3.\n";

print "... done.\n";

X-Sun-Data-Type: default
X-Sun-Data-Description: default
X-Sun-Data-Name: LJ.sql
X-Sun-Charset: us-ascii
X-Sun-Content-Lines: 157

 DROP TABLE entry;
   ext_id  varchar2(13),   --External Identification of the animal
   db_id   number,  -- Internal database ID
   unit    number(5)  --  reporting unit
 DROP INDEX uidx_entry_1;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uidx_entry_1 ON entry ( ext_id, unit );

 DROP SEQUENCE seq_entry_db_id;
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_entry_db_id;

 DROP TABLE transfer;
CREATE TABLE transfer (
   ext_id           varchar2(13), 
   db_id            number,  
   owner            number(5),  
   status           varchar2(2), 
   action           varchar2(15),  
   entry_dt         date,  
   decision_dt      date, 
   transfer_dt      date,  
   verific_dt 	    date,
	buyer 		varchar2(5),
   coment           varchar2(20) );

 DROP INDEX uidx_transfer_1;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uidx_transfer_1 ON transfer ( ext_id, owner, entry_dt );

 DROP TABLE animal;
   ext_id          varchar2(13),  
   db_id           number, 
   sex             varchar2(1), 
   breed_id        varchar(4),  
   sec_id          varchar2(9),  
   birth_dt        date, 
   sire            varchar2(13),  
   dam             varchar2(13), 
   origin          number(5), 
   status          varchar2(2), 
   cull_cause      number(2),  
   last_action     varchar2(5),  
   last_action_dt  date,  
   coment         varchar2(20)  
 DROP INDEX uidx_animal_1;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uidx_animal_1 ON animal ( db_id );

 DROP TABLE service;
CREATE TABLE service (
   sowid       varchar2(13),
   db_id       number,
   boarid      varchar2(13),   
   service_dt  date,   
   parity      number(2),   
   service     number(2),     
   behav       varchar2(2),   
   appl        varchar2(2),   
   tech1       varchar2(4),    
   tech2       varchar2(4),   
   outcome     varchar2(1),   
   DPI         number   
 DROP INDEX uidx_service_1;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uidx_service_1 ON service ( sowid, service_dt );

 DROP TABLE litter;
   sowid       varchar2(13),
   db_id       number,
   parity      number(2),   
   farrow_dt   date,    
   liveborn    number(2),    
   stillborn   number(2),   
   mummies     number(2),   
   tatoo_dt    date,    
   notch_n     number(3),   
   litter_wt   number(2),  
   weaning_dt  date,   
   weaned      number(2),   
   weaning_wt  number(3)   
 DROP TABLE weaning2;
CREATE TABLE weaning2 (
   sowid        varchar2(13),    
   parity       number(2),   
   weaning2_dt  date,    
   weaned       number(2),    
   weaning_wt   number   
 DROP TABLE location;
CREATE TABLE location (
   db_id          varchar2(13),  
   relocation_dt  date,  
   barn           varchar2(2),  
   box            varchar2(2)   
 DROP TABLE slaughter;
CREATE TABLE slaughter (
   sl_house   number,    
   sl_dt      date,   
   sl_hour    float8,  
   supplier   number(),   
   number     number(),    
   traitM     number(),    
   traitS     number(),    
   wt_warm    float8,  
   category   varchar2(),    
   lean_meat  float8,  t
   EUROP      varchar2(),    
   treatment  varchar2(),    
   INSPECT    number,     
   code       number,     
   id         varchar2(),    
   comment    varchar2()      
 DROP INDEX uidx_slaughter_1;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uidx_slaughter_1 ON slaughter ( sl_house, sl_dt, sl_hour, supplier, number, traitM, traitS );

 DROP TABLE suppliers;
CREATE TABLE suppliers (
   code       number,  
   supplier1  number,  
   supplier2  number,  
   id         varchar2(),  
   date       date   
 DROP INDEX uidx_suppliers_1;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uidx_suppliers_1 ON suppliers ( id );

 DROP TABLE address;
CREATE TABLE address (
   id        number,   
   name      varchar2(50),  
   street    varchar2(60),  
   city      varchar2(60),  
   zip_code  number,   
   status    number,   
   region    number,   
   phone     varchar2(13),   
   fax       varchar2(13),   
   email     varchar2(40)    
 DROP INDEX uidx_address_1;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uidx_address_1 ON address ( id );

 DROP TABLE breed;
   breed_id    number,   
   short_name  varchar2(4),   
   long_name   varchar2(20),   
   en_name     varchar2(20)    
 DROP INDEX uidx_breed_1;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uidx_breed_1 ON breed ( breed_id );

Dodatne informacije o seznamu Starilist