[ LUGOS ] Win forever

Mitja Novak mitja na velenje.cx
Tor Jul 25 21:28:42 CEST 2000

On Tue, 25 Jul 2000 17:44:42 +0200, Stojan Rancic said:

> On Tue, 25 Jul 2000 12:40:18 +0200 (CEST), Leon KUKOVEC wrote:
>  >IMAP, vec naslovov, filtering, pgp/gnupg XFmail ima, ssl-ja pa se zaenkrat
>  ne.
>  >Mislim pa da delajo na Archimedes-u ki je v resnici samo CORE XFmail in GTK
>  UI.

>  Zal podpira le vec naslovov za pobiranje poste, ne pa tudi vec cisto
>  locenih accountov, kjer nastavis vse preference, od podpisa, filtrov,
>  pobiranja/posiljanja poste, itd.. Mailerja, ki bi imel vse to pod
>  Linuxom zal se ni.

Pa probaj pronto ali cscmail Ta dva vse to podpirata + da si lahka maile
shranjujes direkt v bazo (ce ti to pase)....
Da tega ni .... sem ze prej napisal da to obstaja ampak zgleda nisi sel
pogledat torej pojdi na spodn link in si poglej.


Pronto! Features: 

			    Here are some of Pronto!'s features: 

				  Full MBOX support, Pronto! can import your
existing mbox folders and export to mbox. 
				  QMaildir support 
				  HTML Mail (read only) 
				  GtkHTML widget support, still supporting
XmHTML by default. 
				  Built-in helpbrowser, as well as mini-browser
if using GtkHTML. 
				  A smart addressbook that auto completes
addresses for you if you type them partially in the To: field. 
				  Very configurable, tons of options and
preferences to choose from. 
				  Message colorization based on quote symbols
and their levels. 
				  Accepts command line args for integration
with Netscape through Muttzilla. 
				  Spelling and Autospelling support. Compatible
with Ispell and Aspell. 
				  Can make use of threads if your version of
Perl is compiled with thread support. 
				  Multipart (MIME) support including inbound
and outbound attachements. 
				  Hyperlinks that WORK! All mail is turned into
a pseudo-html message, with active hyperlinks. http://
				  ftp:// and mailto: are supported. http and
ftp load Netscape, mailto opens a new msg window in
				  Pronto! POP3 compatibility. 
				  Uses the Perl DBI interface now, for database
flexibility. You can now use any Perl DBI compliant
				  database with Pronto!. Not just Postgres. 
				  Non-blocking mail transfers. Continue using
Pronto! while your mail transfers in the background. 
				  Multiple POP3 Account support. 
				  Filters, including a new message scoring
system, useful for maillists. 
				  Header viewpane 
				  Sig support. Each account can have a
different sig. 
				  New messages counter 
				  New messages are configured to your
				  Auto-set reply address based on account used
to DL message. 
				  Schedulable message transfers. 
				  Outbox for storing unsent outbound messages. 
				  Context Sensitive menus (Right Click) 
				  Sent Items Folder, Drafts folder. 
				  Message list sortable by From: Subj: and
Date: fields (Just click the column header to sort by that
				  column, click again to reverse the direction)

				  Multiple message selection. 
				  Multiple folders. 

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