[ LUGOS ] itrost kazalca ??

Bostjan Muller neonatus na gimp.thz.net
Sob Feb 26 12:34:38 CET 2000

* On 26-02-00 at 11:53 Dusan Prapotnik (dusan.prapotnik na homemade.net) wrote:
+----Here quoted text begins----+
>    Pozdravljeni !! Kje lahko v ICEWM nastavim hitrost gibanja miskinega
>    kazalaca ????Nikjer v Faq & HoWtojih ne pise, da ne bom dobil pa
>    kaksnega pametnegaodgovoraPREBERI SI FAQ !!! Dule
+----and here the quote ends----+

Mislim, da je to splošna lasnots X-ov in ne konkretno icewm-ja tako, da se
hitrost miške lahko nastavlja z xset (xset m 4 2 - hitro, xset m 2 5 srednje,
xset m 1 1 počasno).
Prvi parameter je acceleration, drugi pa treshold:
man xset
	       The m option controls the mouse parameters.  The
               parameters for the mouse  are  `acceleration'  and
               `threshold'.  The acceleration can be specified as
               an integer, or as a simple fraction.   The  mouse,
               or  whatever  pointer the machine is connected to,
               will go `acceleration' times as fast when it trav­
               els  more than `threshold' pixels in a short time.
               This way, the mouse can be used for precise align­
               ment when it is moved slowly, yet it can be set to
               travel across the screen in a flick of  the  wrist
               when  desired.   One  or both parameters for the m
               option can be omitted, but if only one  is  given,
               it will be interpreted as the acceleration.  If no
               parameters or the flag 'default' is used, the sys­
               tem defaults will be set.


 Boštjan M&uuml;ller [NEONATUS], NEONATUS na bigfoot.com, http://surf.to/NEONATUS
 RSA id: 0x90178DBD, ICQ #:7506644, PGP key: finger neonatus na gimp.thz.net
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