[ LUGOS ] webalitzer make
kreit na siol.net
Pet Dec 15 10:27:06 CET 2000
DLjal sem webalizer, napisem:
/configure --with-language=slovene
Dobim napako:
gcc -L/usr/lib -o webalizer webalizer.o hashtab.o linklist.o preserve.o
parser.o output.o dns_resolv.o graphs.o -lgd -lpng -lz -lm
graphs.o: In function `year_graph6x':
graphs.o(.text+0xd1f): undefined reference to `gdImagePng'
graphs.o: In function `month_graph6':
graphs.o(.text+0x1a23): undefined reference to `gdImagePng'
graphs.o: In function `day_graph3':
graphs.o(.text+0x2020): undefined reference to `gdImagePng'
graphs.o: In function `pie_chart':
graphs.o(.text+0x25ad): undefined reference to `gdImagePng'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [webalizer] Error 1
OK, mogoce pa ne najde gd library, recem:
./configure --with-language=slovene --with-gdlib=/usr/lib/
Spet nic.. isti error. Probam:
rpm -q qd
Gd library imam namescen. Probal sem tudi najnovejsega dol potegnit v
obliki in ga dat v webalizer direktorij... spet nic. Vedno ista nakapa.
Kaj naj naredim ? Zmanjkalo mi je idej...
Ljubo Brglez
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