[ LUGOS ] Modem is wedged (HylaFax)

Nejc Skoberne nejc.skoberne na guest.arnes.si
Pon Avg 28 17:51:09 CEST 2000


Se vedno se trudim s konfiguracijo HylaFax FAX serverja... Imam USR 33.6
interni modem in mi v minicomu dela zelo lepo. Ko pa hoce z njim delati
HylaFax (faxgetty, faxmodem), pa javlja take napake:

Linostar:~# faxmodem ttyS1
FIFO: open: No such device or address

Linostar:~# faxmodem /dev/ttyS1
FIFO: open: No such device or address

Aug 28 16:50:56 box FaxGetty[141]: OPEN /dev/ttyS1
Aug 28 16:51:02 box FaxGetty[141]: /dev/ttyS1: Can not initialize modem.
Aug 28 16:52:15 box FaxGetty[141]: Unable to setup modem on /dev/ttyS1;
giving up
Aug 28 16:52:15 box FaxGetty[141]: CLOSE /dev/ttyS1

Zakaj mi to dela? 


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