[ LUGOS ] Squid administracija

Bostjan Tursic bostjant na luna.si.eu.org
Pon Apr 17 22:53:29 CEST 2000

Mon, 17 Apr 2000 ,  Marko Cuk wrote:
>Hello !!
>Ali je kdo med vami kaksen izkusen administrator in pozna kaksen nacin,
>da bi imel pregled nad web adresami, ki jih naredijo clienti ?
To zgoraj nisem ampak pogledu bi mogoce lahko:
   David I. Bell - March 04th 2000, 18:06 EST 

   scanSquidLog quickly scans through Squid log files looking for lines whose URLs match any of those contained in a specified file.
   Matching lines are printed to standard output, and the main reason for using this program instead of standard utilities such as grep or awk
   is speed. Pattern matching for the URLs is not provided, but sub-domains, trailing path components, and case independence are
   automatically handled.

http://canb.auug.org.au/~dbell/ (335 hits)

   Lars Erik Hĺland - June 07th 1999, 00:28 EST 
   squidGuard is a free (GPL), flexible and ultra fast filter, redirector and access controller plugin for squid. It lets you define multiple access
   rules with different restrictions for different user groups on a squid cache. squidGuard uses squid's standard redirector interface.

   Stefano Passiglia - July 07th 1999, 11:15 EST 
   squidsites is a tool that parses Squid access log file and generates a report of the most visited sites, sorting by hit count or by bytes count.


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