[ LUGOS ] PHP POP3 WebMail frontend
maddave na spider.y0u.net
Pet Apr 21 11:11:10 CEST 2000
lp, MadDave
|Unix is like a wigwam -- no Gates, no Windows, and an Apache inside.|
| > FreeBSD < - > Power to SERVE < |
| Open source software - with no walls and fences, who needs Windows |
| and Gates? |
On Fri, 21 Apr 2000, Rok Krulec wrote:
> Pozdrav,
> rabim taksen PHP, ki bo enostaven frontend za pobirat eMail preko POP3.
> Vpisem user, pass, POP3 server, preberem mail, ko zaprem gre vse v null.
> Ima kdo kaksnega na zalogi ?
> Portoroz, 21.04.2000 @ 08:50
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