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Boštjan Muller [NEONATUS] neonatus na gimp.thz.net
Sre Sep 8 21:11:27 CEST 1999

* On 08-09-99 at 21:10 Andrej Komelj (andrej.komelj na guest.arnes.si) wrote:
+----Here quoted text begins----+
> 2. <http://freshmeat.net> v okence vpisi xautolock
THX bom dl

+----and here the quote ends----+

Boštjan M&uuml;ller [NEONATUS], NEONATUS na bigfoot.com, http://surf.to/NEONATUS
      ICQ #:7506644, For my PGP key finger: neonatus na gimp.thz.net
           RSA id: 0x90178DBD, Powered by S.u.S.E. Linux 6.0.
    Death is God's way of telling you not to be such a wise guy.     

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