[ LUGOS ] kompilanje apacheja

Branko F. Gračner Branko na edico.si
Pet Sep 24 01:46:37 CEST 1999

ko hočem s ./configure ustvariti vse potrebno, da bi skompilal apache 1.3.9
s pathchem za ssl 1.3.7, mi ven butne tole

** A test compilation with your Makefile configuration
** failed. This is most likely because your C compiler
** is not ANSI. Apache requires an ANSI C Compiler, such
** as gcc. The above error message from your compiler
** will also provide a clue.

mislim, wtf ...
root na vampyria:/# gcc --version
imam rh 6, modularen kernel 2.2.12 ... nasploh se  mi s tem egcs dogajajo
zadeve like, da se  kaj ne da skompilati. kaj priporočate ? naj preidem na
real gcc 2.95 ? ali kaj

Branko F. Gračner
<Branko na edico.si> www.edico.si
PGP Enc. Key: finger branko na edico.si

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